Sunday, December 11, 2011

2011.10.27 - Halloween - Mummy Meatloaf, Spaghetti Squash Braaains, Breadstick Bones

I am not a big fan of Halloween, but I do like making thematic foods for the holiday!  I found the mummy meatloaf last year after I'd already set my menu, so I knew I'd be making it this year.

Mummy Meatloaf

I couldn't find very wide noodles for the wrapping (besides lasagna noodles, which I probably should have used in retrospect), so my mummy had some very thin bandages.  The meatloaf was your basic, good meatloaf.  I really like the look of this for a Halloween dinner and it isn't too difficult to make.

Spaghetti Squash with Almonds

Finding thematic vegetables for Halloween is always the most difficult to me.  This one is a bit of a stretch - I thought the spaghetti squash could possibly look like some braaaaains.  Spaghetti squash is easy to make, yummy, and fun (it still amazes me that it comes out in strings like it does) and the almonds were a nice bit of crunch.  The lime, cumin, honey dressing was good and different from usual flavors I pair with squash.

Breadstick Bones

These were really fun and easy to make.  I served them with pizza sauce for "dipping blood".  I think these would work as well for a dog birthday party :)

Spiced Iced Tea

Bleeech.  I was NOT a fan.  I didn't have unground cardamom or cloves, so I tried to substitute with smaller quantities of ground.  I must have messed up the math somewhere, because this tasted like liquid potpourri.  Terrible.

Oreo Chesecakes

These were good, but kind of a disaster in the looks department.  I think that the recipe cuts a few corners (mixing all wet ingredients at once instead of in steps) that must only work with VERY soft cream cheese.  Mine was softened, but I never got all the lumps out of the mix and this translated to a "curdy" cheesecake.  I couldn't find Halloween Oreos in the store, so I dyed the cheesecake orange, which was another terrible idea, as it came out looking like vomit in a muffin cup.  Perfectly ghastly for a Halloween party.  It did taste pretty good, though.

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